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The packaging for this particular flavour of mire biscuits is so pretty, I was tempted to keep it XD

Mire biscuits are one of the go-to option for me for vegan(?) biscuits/cookies in Japan or a Japanese store. The chemicals in the ingredients, but as far as I can tell, the biscuits should be vegan.

Mire biscuits have a faint sweet, slightly milky smell, quite reminiscent of Marie biscuits (but then again, I don't remember the last time I had Marie biscuits, so I could be wrong).

For Singaporeans, you can find these biscuits (but maybe not the exact flavour) at J-Mart at Star Vista (Buona Vista). Other Japanese marts and supermarkets might stock them too.

Ingredients in Japanese: ビスケット生地(小麦粉、砂糖、ショートニング、ぶどう糖、食塩)、植物油、食塩 / 膨張剤、乳化剤(大豆由来)

Ingredients in English: Biscuit dough (flour, sugar, shortening, glucose, salt), vegetable oil, salt / leavening agent, emulsifier (from soybean)

Weight: 145 grams

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I'm back with yet another instant noodles feature. My Japanese friend bought this for me from the Osawa shop in Shinjuku when he went to Tokyo.

Their noodles are nice and chewy. The soup is slightly on the sweet side, a little milky from the soy milk in it, and flavourful enough. Overall not bad, and I wouldn't mind eating this again.

Ingredients in Japanese: めん〔小麦粉[小麦(北海道)]、澱粉、食塩、豆乳粉末[大豆:遺伝子組換えでない]、酵母エキス、食塩、デキストリン、砂糖、粉末ごま油、野菜粉末、白いりごま、野菜エキス粉末、香辛料、乾燥ねぎ、ごま油/かんすい、(一部に小麦・大豆・ごまを含む)

Ingredients in English: Noodles [wheat flour [wheat (Hokkaido)], starch, salt, soy milk powder [soy: not genetically modified], yeast extract, salt, dextrin, sugar, powdered sesame oil, vegetable powder, white sesame, vegetable extract powder, spices, dried green onion, sesame oil / kansui, (including wheat, soybeans and sesame)

Weight: 100 grams (noodle cake 80 grams)

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Amidst all the crazy stockpiling of instant noodles, this is one you probably wouldn't want to hoard because it is too expensive.

Behold! One of the flavours from the only range of vegan cup noodles made in Japan. I've found one or two other Japanese vegan cup noodles but they seem to be out of production. I also recently saw on Amazon Japan vegan bee hoon (rice vermicelli). But if we are talking about noodles made from wheat flour, this range is probably the only one.

The hot and sour noodles soup flavour cup noodles. Their other flavour is tan tan noodles.

No meat, no fish, no eggs, no milk, no MSG? Perfect. No alcohol would also mean that it is Muslim-friendly/halal? Note: contains garlic.

Put the contents of the orange pack in first, pour in hot water and wait till the noodles are ready. Then pour the contents of the purple pack into the cup and mix with the hot water.

It's a pity that the net weight of the noodles is only 36 grams, and together with the flavour packets only 66 grams in total. Not quite a filling meal ><" Add to that the fact that the noodles aren't exactly cheap, this is more of a treat then a daily sustenance. The price on Amazon Japan is JPY248 (around SGD3.05). Someone told me that this cup noodles is available at J-Mart at Star Vista (Buona Vista, Singapore) at $4.90 too. Mmm, for that price, maybe it is better to just go to a food court?

The noodles are springy and have perfect texture! The soup is sour enough but not particularly spicy (piquant). Even though it's quite nice, I wouldn't say I would get addicted to it. It is also not quite like the sour and spicy soup I remember from my pre-vegan days.

Ingredients in Japanese: めん(小麦粉、食塩、大豆食物繊維)、スープ(しょうゆ、糖類、醸造酢、食塩、植物油脂、味噌、香辛料、酵母エキス、ニンニクペースト、香味油、シイタケエキス、昆布粉末)、かやく(豆腐、コーン、チンゲンサイ、唐辛子)/増粘剤(グァーガム)、かんすい、カラメル色素、酸化防止剤(ビタミンE)、香辛料抽出物、トウガラシ色素、(一部に小麦・ごま・大豆を含む)

Ingredients in English: Noodles (flour, salt, soy fiber), soup (soy sauce, sugar, brewed vinegar, salt, vegetable oil, miso, spices, yeast extract, garlic paste, flavor oil, shiitake extract, kelp powder), oyster (tofu, (Corn, bok choy, chili) / thickener (guar gum), citrus, caramel pigment, antioxidant (vitamin E), spice extract, pepper pigment, (partially contains wheat, sesame, soy) (→ contains garlic too)

Weight: 66 grams (noodle cake 39 grams)

Available from Amazon Japan (if you are in Japan) and from J-Mart Star Vista (call to check first: 6694 3228).

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